Insulators and Conductors Doodle Notes Activity



Explore the fascinating world of electricity with this Insulators and Conductors Comic-Style Science and Doodle Notes Activity for grade 4! This engaging comic will make learning electric currents a breeze while aligning with NGSS standards.

Content is presented using eye-catching illustrations and compact word bubbles. This creates a teaching resource far more impactful than textbooks and worksheets.

Comics have the power to rope in your most reluctant readers because they make information approachable and FUN.

Product Overview

This Insulators and Conductors Science Comic will instantly grab their attention with a scene of a character touching an exposed wire in a cord. What happens to this careless character when he touches the wire?

Readers will examine a closed-path circuit and differentiate between the effectiveness of a wire versus a shoelace.

This all leads to vivid illustrations and digestible definitions of conductors and insulators.

What comes with the Insulators and Conductors resource?

Full-Colored Content

  • A one-page, infographic-style comic jam-packed with content
  • Aligned with NGSS and TEKS Standards for Grade 4 Energy
  • Makes a great anchor chart!
  • Present to the class by projecting it on the front board, uploading it into your virtual classrooms, or printing a copy for each student

Black-line Version

  • Same comic but without the color
  • Super easy to print and deliver to students
  • Fun to color!

Doodle Notes Activity

  • More than just a worksheet
  • Students can follow along and fill in the blanks while you teach the content
  • A perfect addition to interactive science notebooks
  • Keeps them engaged while you teach
  • EASY to use

Insulators and Conductors Follow-up

  • A graphic organizer comparing the two vocabulary words
  • Students define the terms and are prompted to draw five examples of each
  • Another perfect addition to interactive notebooks
  • Serves as a useful supplemental or mini-research project
  • Reinforces understanding
  • Enables you to assess comprehension

Answer Keys

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What makes comics such an impactful learning tool?

  • They are FUN! 
    • This is the most crucial benefit.
    • Students are more willing to participate and more engaged.
    • The content STICKS.
  • Visual learning is EFFECTIVE. 
    • About 65% of the population consists of visual learners.
    • Visual information is processed faster.
    • Students who SEE information are more likely to retain it.
  • EASY to implement! 
    • These lesson plans are complete and ready to go, requiring minimal prep time.
    • You only need to make copies, upload supplementals to your virtual classrooms, and set up the hands-on activities.
    • Lots of flexibility! You can print these as anchor chart posters, add them to interactive notebooks, hand them out to students, or share them virtually. There is plenty of room for modifications.
    • Every lesson plan has a low-prep, wallet-friendly, hands-on component.
    • Instructions are in a visual format
    • Follow-up questions or a lab report are always included
  • Comics make content ACCESSIBLE
    • Naturally differentiated, comics accommodate a wide range of learning abilities and styles.
    • Great for classrooms with a diverse population of learners
    • They can simultaneously rope in both your gifted and struggling students (and everyone in between).
    • Reluctant readers gravitate toward comics.
    • Comics help English Language Learners and SPED students find success.

Be the hip teacher seizing the graphic novels craze. Your students will LOVE it!


*Doodle Notes is a trademarked term used with permission. Please visit for more information

Don’t miss the opportunity to bring excitement and understanding to your science lessons! Get your students excited about reading science!

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