How Are Science Comics Use In Education?

Science Comics Are a Teacher’s Secret Weapon
I have seen eyes light up and jaws drop whenever I have handed my students my science comics. They instantly engage is reading the content.
Comics can grab the attention of reluctant readers, English language learners (ESL, ELL), graphic novel lovers, and everyone in between. They reconnect disconnected learners with the content by making learning FUN and ACCESSIBLE.
Visual learning works and it is my mission to spread this learning tool to as many learners as possible.
Many Students Struggle with Reading Content.
In this day and age, learners are used to information being delivered quickly. Textbooks with lengthy paragraphs are no longer effective educational tools for the majority.
Many students have developed the ability to instantly dismiss things as “boring” because they have become so accustomed to information being thrown at them via screens and ads.
When faced with traditional text, many struggling readers simply shut down and give up.
Educational comics have the power to deliver information in a manner that reaches these struggling readers.

Science Comics Rope Readers In
There is a growing trend in graphic novels. Libraries have said they cannot keep them on the shelves, and many libraries have devoted giant sections of their children’s area to graphic novels.
This is how many of today’s students learn. Comics grab their attention and can maintain it.
Why not take advantage of this trend by using comics to teach science?
Science comics have the power to open up accessibility to the content. They break information down into manageable chunks. This makes them EASY to read and less intimidating than traditional text.
Emerging research shows that comics and graphic novels are motivating, support struggling readers, enrich the skills of accomplished readers, and are highly effective at teaching sometimes dull or dry material in subject areas such as science and social studies.
Comics provide narrative experiences for students just beginning to read and for students acquiring a new language
If you’re wondering why comics are important, here is one of the most prominent reasons – comics go a long way toward building a student’s self-esteem and better their literacy skills.
As far as critical thinking skills are concerned, Krusemark ascertained that comics make readers think outside the box to teach them about life lessons, develop their cognitive skills, foster their reading motivation and imagination, grow their vocabulary, and engage them with art appreciation.
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